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Otter AI Review: Is Otter AI better than Zoom transcription?

Otter AI Review

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Otter AI Review: Is Otter AI better than Zoom transcription?

Transcription and note-taking tools have become invaluable assets for businesses, professionals, and students alike. One such tool that has gained prominence is This article explores the capabilities, limitations, and real-world applications of Otter AI, shedding light on how it can enhance productivity and streamline communication. Read on to discover how is revolutionizing the way we capture and manage spoken content.

What is

Otter makes conversations more valuable. It’s the leading meeting transcription and collaboration tool that helps teams automatically capture and summarize conversations from every meeting, making it easy to recall and collaborate on the key takeaways. Otter integrates with leading video conference tools including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet to automatically capture meeting notes. Otter also allows users to import and transcribe pre-recorded audio and video files.

Is Otter AI legitimate? is a legitimate and reputable company that provides transcription and note-taking services using artificial intelligence technology. The company offers tools for automatic transcription of audio and video recordings, as well as features for collaborative note-taking and organization. has been used by professionals, students, and individuals looking to improve their productivity and efficiency in capturing and managing spoken content. Please note that the status and reputation of companies can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to check the latest reviews and news to ensure that or any other service you are considering is still operating legitimately and meeting your specific needs.

Is Otter AI better than Zoom? and Zoom are two different tools that serve different purposes, so it’s not really accurate to say that one is definitively better than the other.

The choice between and Zoom depends on your specific needs:

  • If you need a platform for virtual meetings and communication, then Zoom is the better choice. It excels at facilitating real-time interactions, screen sharing, and group discussions.
  • If you need to transcribe and document meetings or interviews, then is a valuable tool. It can save time by automatically transcribing spoken content and making it searchable for reference.

In some cases, users may use both tools together. For example, you can host a meeting on Zoom and use to automatically transcribe and document the meeting for future reference.

Ultimately, the choice between and Zoom depends on your specific use case and requirements. They can complement each other in a professional or educational context, rather than being direct competitors.

How long does Otter AI take to transcribe?

The time it takes for to transcribe audio or video content depends on several factors:

Length of the Audio/Video: The longer the audio or video recording, the more time it will take to transcribe. Shorter recordings will be processed more quickly than longer ones.

Audio Quality: The quality of the audio or video can impact transcription speed. Clear and well-recorded audio will be transcribed more quickly and accurately than poor-quality recordings with background noise or interference.

Server Load: The speed of transcription can also be influenced by the current server load on’s platform. During peak usage times, there may be more demand on their servers, which can affect processing times.

Subscription Plan: offers different subscription plans, and the processing speed may vary depending on the plan you’re using. Premium plans might offer faster transcription than free or lower-tier plans.

Internet Connection: The speed of your internet connection can also affect how quickly can process and transcribe audio or video files.

In general, is designed to provide relatively fast transcription services. For shorter recordings with good audio quality, you can expect relatively quick results, often within a few minutes. However, for longer or more complex content, it may take a bit longer.

It’s essential to keep in mind that while provides automated transcription services, the accuracy of the transcription can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. You may need to review and edit the transcript to ensure its accuracy, especially for recordings with challenging audio conditions.

How does Otter AI make money? generates revenue through a combination of subscription plans, partnerships, and enterprise solutions. Please note that the company’s business model may have evolved or changed since then, so I recommend checking the latest information on their website or through recent news sources for the most up-to-date details. Here are the primary ways makes money:

Subscription Plans: offers several subscription plans to individual users and organizations. These plans typically provide users with access to premium features and higher usage limits. Users pay a monthly or annual fee to access these enhanced services, such as increased transcription minutes, advanced collaboration tools, and more.

Enterprise Solutions: offers customized solutions and pricing for businesses and organizations. This includes features like team collaboration, centralized billing, and management controls. Enterprises can integrate into their workflow and take advantage of transcription and note-taking services at scale.

Partnerships: may form partnerships with other companies, educational institutions, or platforms to integrate its transcription and note-taking capabilities into their services. This can be a source of revenue through licensing agreements or revenue-sharing arrangements.

API Access: may offer API (Application Programming Interface) access to developers and businesses, allowing them to integrate’s transcription capabilities into their own applications or services. This can generate revenue through API usage fees.

Educational and Nonprofit Discounts: may offer discounts or special pricing for educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, making their services more accessible to these sectors while still generating revenue.

Data Analytics and Insights: may offer data analytics and insights services, leveraging the data it collects from transcriptions to provide valuable insights to businesses and organizations. This can be a premium service generating additional revenue.

It’s important to keep in mind that business models can evolve over time, so it’s a good practice to visit’s official website or contact them directly to get the most current information on their pricing and revenue generation strategies.

What is the disadvantage of Otter AI?

While Otter AI offers many advantages, such as automated transcription and note-taking capabilities, it also has some disadvantages and limitations that users should be aware of:

Accuracy Issues: Otter AI’s transcription accuracy can vary depending on the quality of the audio or video input. Background noise, multiple speakers, strong accents, or complex technical terms can lead to errors in the transcription. Users may need to spend time reviewing and editing transcripts for accuracy.

Limited Vocabulary: Like all automated transcription services, Otter AI may struggle with specialized or technical vocabulary that is not commonly used in everyday language. It may not accurately transcribe domain-specific terms or jargon.

Privacy Concerns: When using Otter AI, especially in a business or sensitive context, there can be privacy concerns. Recorded audio or video content is typically sent to Otter’s servers for transcription, and users should be cautious about the confidentiality of the content.

Cost: While Otter AI offers a free plan with limitations, more extensive usage and access to advanced features require a paid subscription. This can be a disadvantage for users or organizations with budget constraints.

Dependence on Internet Connection: Otter AI is a cloud-based service, so it relies on a stable internet connection. If your internet connection is slow or unreliable, it can affect the real-time transcription experience or delay the processing of recorded content.

File Format Compatibility: Otter AI may not support all audio or video file formats. Users may need to convert their files to a compatible format before uploading them to the service.

Limited Export Options: Exporting transcripts from Otter AI to other formats or platforms may have limitations, and users might need to manually copy and paste text or make additional formatting adjustments.

Learning Curve: Some users might find it takes time to become proficient with Otter AI’s interface and features, especially when using advanced collaboration and note-taking tools.

Language Support: Otter AI primarily supports English and a limited number of other languages. Users who require transcription in languages other than those supported may not find it as useful.

Not Suitable for All Use Cases: Otter AI is best suited for transcribing spoken content, such as meetings, interviews, and lectures. It may not be the ideal tool for transcribing music or other audio with complex sounds.

It’s essential to consider these limitations when deciding whether Otter AI is the right tool for your specific needs. Depending on your use case, the advantages of automated transcription may outweigh the disadvantages, or you may need to explore alternative solutions to address these limitations.

Is Otter AI completely free?

Otter AI offers both free and paid subscription plans, but there are limitations to the free plan. The free plan provides basic access to Otter AI’s transcription and note-taking services, but it comes with certain restrictions. Please note that the company’s pricing and plans may have changed since then, so it’s advisable to check the most current information on their official website.

Here are some typical features and limitations of the free plan:

Free Plan (Basic):

  • Limited transcription minutes per month (typically a set number of minutes).
  • Transcripts may have watermarks or branding.
  • Basic access to collaboration and note-taking features.
  • Limited storage for recorded audio or video files.
  • Access to Otter AI’s web and mobile applications.

The free plan is often suitable for individuals or occasional users who have modest transcription needs. However, for users or organizations with more extensive transcription requirements, Otter AI offers various paid subscription plans that provide additional features, increased transcription minutes, and advanced collaboration tools.

It’s important to visit Otter AI’s official website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on their pricing and plans, as they may have introduced new offerings or made changes to existing plans since my last knowledge update.

What is the monthly limit for Otter AI free account?

The monthly limit for Otter AI’s free plan typically includes a set number of transcription minutes per month. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the exact limit may have varied, but it was often around 600 minutes of transcription per month for free users. However, Otter AI may have adjusted these limits or introduced new plans since then.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the monthly limits and pricing options for Otter AI, I recommend visiting their official website or contacting their support team. They should provide you with the latest details on their plans and any changes that may have occurred since my last update.

How many minutes do you get with free Otter?

Otter AI typically offered users around 600 minutes of transcription per month. However, please be aware that pricing plans and features can change over time, so it’s essential to visit Otter AI’s official website or contact their support for the most current information on the limitations and features of their free plan. They may have made adjustments or introduced new plans since my last update.

Does Otter work offline?

Otter AI primarily operates as an online, cloud-based service, which means it requires an internet connection to function. Users typically upload audio or video files to Otter AI’s servers for transcription and note-taking, and the transcriptions are then processed and made available through the web or mobile applications.

Can I use Otter without WIFI?

Otter AI primarily operates as an online, cloud-based service, which means it relies on an internet connection to function. Users typically upload audio or video files to Otter AI’s servers for transcription and note-taking, and the transcriptions are processed on the server side.

While you may be able to access previously transcribed content while offline through the mobile app if it has been cached, the core functionality of recording and real-time transcription usually requires an internet connection.

Please keep in mind that Otter AI’s features and capabilities may have evolved or changed since my last update, so it’s a good practice to check the most current information on their official website or through their mobile app to see if there have been any updates regarding offline functionality.

Can I use Otter on my phone?

Yes, you can use Otter AI on your phone. Otter AI offers mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to use their transcription and note-taking services on your smartphone or tablet. You can download the Otter AI app from the respective app stores (Apple App Store for iOS devices and Google Play Store for Android devices).

Once you’ve installed the app, you can use it to record audio or video, transcribe spoken content, and take notes. The mobile app is a convenient way to use Otter AI’s services on the go, whether you’re in meetings, interviews, or other situations where you need transcription and note-taking capabilities on your mobile device.

Can Otter transcribe a Youtube video?

Otter AI primarily allowed users to transcribe audio and video files that they uploaded directly to the platform. However, it did not have a built-in feature specifically for transcribing YouTube videos directly from their URLs.

To transcribe a YouTube video using Otter AI, you would need to:

  • Download the YouTube video: You can use a YouTube video downloader to save the video to your device in a compatible format.
  • Upload the downloaded video: Once you have the video file on your computer or mobile device, you can upload it to Otter AI through their website or mobile app.
  • Transcribe the uploaded video: Otter AI will process the uploaded video and provide you with a transcription.

Please keep in mind that features and capabilities of online services like Otter AI can change over time. It’s possible that Otter AI has introduced new features or integrations since my last update that make it easier to transcribe YouTube videos. I recommend checking the latest information on Otter AI’s official website or contacting their support for any updates related to YouTube video transcription.

Does Otter AI only work in English?

Otter AI primarily focused on English transcription and provided the highest accuracy for the English language. However, they did support some other languages to a certain extent, but the accuracy and capabilities for languages other than English might have been lower.

The availability of language support can vary, and the quality of transcription may be better for languages that share more similarities with English in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary. Otter AI may also have limitations when it comes to handling accents, dialects, or languages with complex grammatical structures.

It’s important to note that the language support and accuracy of automated transcription services like Otter AI can improve over time as these services develop and refine their algorithms. If you require transcription in a language other than English, it’s a good idea to check Otter AI’s official website or contact their support to see if they have expanded language support or improved accuracy for your specific language since my last update.


Otter AI offers a powerful solution for transcription and note-taking needs, automating the process and enabling efficient collaboration. While it has its advantages, such as real-time transcriptions and integration with popular video conferencing tools, users should be aware of its limitations, including accuracy issues with specialized vocabulary. By understanding how to leverage Otter AI effectively and being mindful of its constraints, individuals and organizations can harness its potential to improve productivity and streamline communication in an increasingly digital world. Explore today and experience the future of automated transcription and note-taking.

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